Terrao has adopted our
planet principles to clean
our environment.


Geomimetism is one of Terrao’s core principles

The Earth’s laws work in such a way as to balance energy (heat), air and water.

This balance allows to regulate variations in the air temperature.

E.g. A high air temperature evaporates the water present and the energy in excess is thus stored in the air in the form of latent heat and redistributed (via condensation) in case of the air cools down.


When it enters Terrao’s solutions, air or gas are subject to natural laws based on the following balance:

  • Condensation/evaporation,
  • The thermal conductivity of air, water and air with water,
  • Archimedes’ principle,
  • Material capture via density difference,
  • Etc.

A process in a perpetual evolution

in order to create increasingly more relevant solutions.

Projects under development: Actions targeting mass CO2 reduction
Terrao reduces CO2 in 3 ways:


Method 1:

heat recovery applied to human emissions.

This is an efficient way to reduce atmospheric CO2 emissions. Since 2014, Terrao has been recovering heat in France and in Europe, with consumption savings of between 10% and 50%. In these cases, CO2 emissions are reduced equally.


Method 2:


With this method, once again we make use of Terrao’s geomimetic function, copying shellfish that capture the CO2 dissolved in the sea in order to create their shells. Using alkaline industrial waste allows Terrao to capture CO2 in air and smokes.

As a part of this operation, the industrial waste is neutralised and can be reused in industry or in construction. This operation can be carried out in combination with smoke depollution and heat recovery.


Method 3:

concentration of combustion CO2

Terrao’s technology opens the way to the oxycombustion use in conventional boilers.

Terrao’s effect on combustion smoke allows the CO2 concentration and its capture replacing the nitrogen in the combustive air with CO2. 100% of the CO2 produced by combustion is concentrated then and captured in a gaseous state, at a higher concentration than 95%.

A demo device is under development.


Terrao contributes

to a CO2 signifiant reduction in the atmosphere

For more information about your project, please contact us


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